
The library has a wide selection of Japanese DVDs and thousands of books and manga available to borrow. There are also many English books on Japanese culture and history. It is the largest library of Japanese-language material of its kind in the entire province of Quebec.


Library Hours 
Wednesday: 1:00pm-4:00pm
Thursday: 10:30am-2:30pm 
Sunday: 1:00pm-4:00pm


***The Library will be closed on the following days in 2024***
Sunday, March 31:Easter
Sunday, May 19: Victoria Day weekend
Sunday, June 23: Quebec National Holiday weekend
Sunday, June 30: Canada Day weekend
Sunday, Sep.1: Labour Day weekend
Sunday, Oct. 13 : Thanksgiving weekend

Borrowing Limit: up to 6 books at a time
Borrowing Period: 4 weeks
Renewals: It is possible to renew by phone (one time)
Late Fee: 10¢/book/day. Maximum 20 dollars
Collections Japanese books: 10,000, English and French books: 600
Please show your JCCCM membership card.

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