Japanese Courses

Japanese language course – Fall 2024



Most of our Japanese classes will be held online, via Zoom.  If you will be using a laptop/desktop computer, you must have a functioning camera and headphone/microphone installed, and be familiar with its use. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation. 


Classes will begin the week of September 2nd 2024, on the day indicated.

Classes will be held in French and online, unless otherwise indicated.

“A” the course will be held in English; “P” the course will be held in person


Level 1A: Tuesday, 7-9pm (A,P) (FULL)

Level 1A: Tuesday, 7-9pm (FULL)

Level 1A: Thursday, 7-9pm

Level 1A: Friday, 7-9pm


Level 1A+: Monday, 5-7 pm (begins August 26th)


Level 1C: Tuesday, 1-3pm (P) – Nakamura sensei

Level 1C: Wednesday, 7-9pm – Koda sensei (FULL)

Level 1C: Thursday, 7-9pm (A,P) – Sato sensei

Level 1C: Thursday, 7-9pm – Nakamura sensei (FULL)

Level 1C: Saturday, 10am-noon – Koda sensei


Level 2B: Monday, 7-9pm (begins August 26th) -Koda sensei

Level 2B: Tuesday, 7-9pm – Nakai sensei

Level 2B: Wednesday, 1-3pm (P) – Nakamura sensei  

Level 2B: Wednesday, 7-9pm (A,P) – Sato sensei (Cancelled)


Level 4A: Wednesday, 7-9pm


Level 4C: Wednesday, 7-9pm


Intermediate 2B: Thursday, 7-9pm (12 weeks)

Fees: Please add 2024 JCCCM membership fee. Late deadline fee included. Material fee not included.

Level 1A – $265 ; Level 1A+ – $265; Level 1C – $265; Level 2B – $265; Level 4A – $265; Level 4C – $265 

Level Intermediate 2B: 220$



REGISTRATION DEADLINE: August 22, 2024. Registration received after this date will be subject to $20 late fee.

You must have the appropriate level of the textbook in hand, in order to follow the class. Textbook explanations are in English.

Textbook fees are extra and are available at the JCCCM (in limited quantities):

Level 1A – 1C  : $55 (Genki 1, 3rd edition)

Level 2B  :$60 (Genki 2, 3rd edition)

Level 4A : $35  (Marugoto Pre-intermediate)

Intermediate 2b : $45 (Marugoto Intermediate 2 B1)

Please see the payment instructions below.  Thank you!

Level descriptions:

Level 1A – The level is designed for all beginners interested in learning Japanese (reading, writing and conversation). The students study basic Japanese sentence patterns while learning the hiragana and katakana scripts: X wa Y desu, interrogative sentences, verb conjugation, particles, demonstrative pronouns, etc. At the end of the course, students will be able to introduce themselves, ask simple questions, inquire about prices, order in stores and restaurants, talk about daily activities, make, accept, and decline invitations.

Level 1A+ Suitable for those who already master hiragana and katakana, have studied some Japanese, and want to review lessons 1 to 3 of Genki 1.Nominal and verbal sentences can be reviewed. Students learn to greet, introduce themselves, shop, talk about daily life, and express time through various practical exercises, aiming to enable them to actually speak the language.

Level 1B – While continuing to use hiragana and katakana, students will learn adjectives, past tense of verbs, te- form verbs, and more. By the end of the semester, students will be able to talk about existence sentences (using the verbs “to have” and “to be”), likes and dislikes, and be able to ask for, receive permission for, and prohibit, using te-form verbs.

Level 1C – Students will begin to learn Kanji and will learn more about Te-form verbs, Counting, Informal Speech, etc. At the end of the class, you should be able to express your opinion and preference and to discuss with your friends in the past tense.

Level 2A – Students will complete Genki 1, and have mastered the short form of verbs.
We study various expressions, discussing concepts such as possibility, determination, giving reasons, guessing, giving a suggestion, etc.

Level 2C – We continue to study Genki 2, learn temporal clauses, conditional dependence and transitivity pairs of verbs. At the end of the course, you should be able to express your gratitude and offer your help, explain a situation and any difficulties that you may have, talk about your feelings of disappointment, and give instructions for work, etc. 

Level 3C (JLPT N4 – approx. equivalent) – Students will complete Genki 2 and learn Causative and Causative-Passive sentences. At the end of the class, you should be able to discuss conditional situations, express your decision, show examples, etc.

Level 4: (JLTPN4-N3, approximate equivalent) This course uses ‘MARUGOTO Pre-intermediate’ and concentrates on structural elements of the language which support communication.  The goal of the course is to review grammatical notions from all the previous levels and to be able to use them in practical situations, in order to prepare the learner for the Intermediate level.

Intermediate 1a-c (JLPT N3-N2 approx. equivalent) – Students will use the book Marugoto Intermediate 1. The goal is to become able to speak in detail and have conversations with Japanese people about topics that interest you, such as manga you enjoy and your experiences attending festivals.  Another goal is to be able to research information on the Internet and publish your experiences on SNS. 

Intermediate 2a-c (JLPT N3-N2, approx. equivalent) – Students will use the book Marugoto Intermediate 2.  The goal is to become able to take part in more complex communication, such as providing information on current events, providing health advice and talking about traditional arts and the history of your country. Another goal is to become able to read and understand various texts, such as Internet bulletin boards and magazine articles.

Advanced: Continue preparation for JLPT N2/N1. Can listen to talk about a historical figure and understand his/her image and a specific story that illustrates his/her image. Read a newspaper column or editorial and understand the writer’s explanations and main points. 

***We reserve the right to refuse any registration to our courses.***

You must be at least 16 years of age to register in the Japanese courses.

Refund Policy:

Students who register for a class and withdraw, must contact the JCCCM office;

  • before the first scheduled class to receive a full refund;
  • to receive a refund of class fees paid, less $15 per class attended/missed prior to notifying the JCCCM of their withdrawal (applicable to language courses). Administration and membership fees are not refundable. Administration and membership fees are not refundable.

Please note: After 75% of the course has been completed, NO REFUND for the balance of the course will be issued.

The JCCCM reserves the right to cancel a course due to insufficient registration. In this case, a full refund will be issued.


Please enter the total payment amount (course, membership fee, manual) in the “Other amount” box below and indicate your level and date & time of class that you want to register in the “Purpose of payment” box (ie. Japanese course level 1B Thursday, 7pm). After making online payment, kindly send an email to centrejaponais@bellnet.ca indicating the purpose of your payment.  If you are registering for a language course, please note the level, day and time of the desired class.  If you are paying for membership or donation, please indicate as such.  Thank you for your cooperation!

Once we have received this information, we will confirm by email.

Thank you for your cooperation!

Other Amount
Purpose of payment:








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